Monday, May 25, 2009

Responsibility of Leadership

Sometimes the Lord speaks to you when you least expect it.

We went to church yesterday and Pastor Britt's message was on Hebrews 13:17 - Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they keep watch over your souls as those who will give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with grief, for this would be unprofitable for you.

Pastor Britt's message was on the responsibility of leadership and was all about the leaders in the church and their responsibilities to us, the body. Britt went on to list and discuss 25 responsibilities they have to us.

All of a sudden, about half way through his list, the Lord hit me over the head with something. I realized that my husband and I are leaders too. Not to the body, but my husband is the spiritual leader of our home and I am the leader (aka teacher) of our children. This was a huge eye opener, because as Britt was going through the list, I was realizing a lot of the responsibilities should apply to me as well (as the teacher of our kids). Let me just say, I fall super short everyday in leading my children!

Here is Britt's list:
1. They love and obey Jesus
2. They are called
3. Show you Jesus
4. Point you to Jesus
5. Servant-leadership
6. Purity
7. Accountability
8. Good Stewards
9. Take your lives seriously
10. Take the church seriously
11. To love the church
12. Protection
13. Practice church discipline
14. Family before ministry
15. Real Lives
16. Imperfection
17. Shortcomings
18. Failure
19. Repentance
20. Humility
21. Diligence
22. Tell you the truth
23. Availability
24. Equipping you
25. Teach you the bible

Over the next few days I am going to pray about and create a list of my responsibilities to my children as their mother and teacher.

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