Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Princess for a Day

Today is my birthday...the girls thought I should wear a princess crown for my birthday picture on I did.

Sweetest sound I have heard all day was my 7 year old Kami coming to my bedroom door and saying "happy birthday mama"...she was so excited and it was pretty much the first thing she thought of today. She melts my heart sometimes...

The girls and I went to the DMV to renew my license, and I lucked out with hardly any wait at all. I usually don't put that off until the day my license expires...but for some reason, I forgot this time.

Joe took the girls and I out for pizza for pick, I wanted to pick something the girls would like too...otherwise it would have been my favorite mexican restaurant.

My son Joey blessed me with some flowers when I got back from lunch. What a sweet kid.

Tonight Joe will BBQ and Jackie will come over...Joey has to work, JP has to work, and my mom has to work. So, the BDay extravaganza will be small this year.

Oh, and I am NOT counting calories today!

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